


So, why the title "Breaking Barriers"?

Although I already have three entries, I feel the need to expound the reason why I have chosen these title for my blog. Well, also partly because one of my friends here in Dominican Republic have asked me that question. And I guess I owe you that explanation too......

Believe it or not, I was never a pampered child neither did I had a silver spoon in my mouth when I was born. I had my shares of pain and hardships growing up as a gay, much worse treated by the whole clan as the blackest in the herd of black sheeps. But I didn't think I was a loser but instead I set afoot to break those barriers that were blocking me from reaching my goal, hence the catchy phrase "Breaking Barriers" for my title.
Each one of us have their own barriers to break (feel free to explain yours here in the comments section). Heck! I still face them until now, but when I look back and reminisce things I have done and achieved, it gives me a new perspective of what's ahead of me. Re-analyze how I can tackle it and by the end of the day, a resolution has been reached and am all ok! Think about that, I know you could break yours too and reach whatever dreams you have.


lito said...

hi, very nice title Breaking Barries,huh i agree with that.all of us has different barries in life that we must fighting for.Yeah we must find solutions on how break those barriers.alwayz pray,stay humble and kind.

yoruosu12 said...

Well said, Dondie! It's so nice that you were able to post a comment. Keep on watching what's new in my blog, and I'll try to update it as frequent as I can. Take care always!