


100th Post

I am proud that I have reached 100th post albeit the time constraints I have experienced lately. So it is rightful to extend my gratitude to those bloggers and visitors who may have added me in their list or graced my humble blog more than once.

The number 100 has a conjunctive meaning of individuality and aggressive initiation of effort toward a goal and understanding by experience and the use of reasoning. All of which have been and until now the backbone of all the authored posts. The goal is very simple as it is to serve as a storehouse of information for the community. To share my experience so that others may understand what they're going through. And lastly, to solicit reasoning from the readers as to expound what could have caused these situations in their lives.

The number also signifies a single step on the road of our acceptance. A small step. But what is important here is that we have braved that step and will never falter with the succeeding ones even though we still have a long way to go.

Photo courtesy of Mallorca Photo Blog

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