


Rx: Weekly Prescription - Hunkalicious Babe-lium (Overdosage is allowed)

Evan-gelizing male beauty

Just so you know

Age: 23
Zodiac: Aries
Ethnicity: Brazilian
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 6 ft

Mother's knows best as always which is how one of the most sought after male models Evandro Soldati in the fashion world today had started modeling four years ago. His mother signed him up for a Ford contest in his native Brazil and from then on his name popped up in every high class campaigns such that of Louis Vuitton, Valentino and Giorgio Armani.

Although it was his mother's idea for him to become a model, he said in an interview that he liked the job as he gets to travel places and learn different languages along the way.

His hobbies are capoeira and soccer, which also keep him fit and slim

as he has to maintain a strict training regimen. Cool kid! I hope I have that will to do mine. He he he!

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