


An asian taste of the American Dream

Me and my blogfriend Christian of 'Queer Culture Clash' share a fascination in learning about other cultures. It is an interest that a few people can or may have the opportunity to be into. And the fact that the liberal outlook in life is still uncommon for most of us Asians, just imagine if one have this chance to be in a country with a culture totally opposite to ours.

His blog tells about his everyday encounter of these differences while I, on the other hand, just interjects one or two posts about my observations about Dominicans every now and then.


Quentin X said...

Australia is relatively multi-cultural. I tend to see the similarities more than the differences.

yoruosu12 said...

Cool! I wanna live there someday.

Quentin X said...

I would love to have you for a neighbour.