


The dilemna of a beautiful life and living with the truth.

It really incurred my ire upon learning that up to the present suicide cases on the gay teens were still on the upscale. After all my brother's and sister's have broken their legs and limbs just to forward the LGBT cause from all over the world. It is such a waste to loose them, their skills and abilities alone could help in changing our world. The social stigma attached to homosexuality, a lot of people out there still practice out-and-about homophobia which includes derogation and physical assault.

(Read the news itself here.)

I myself have lost a female cousin, and because of what she is and the bigotry of all the people surrounding her at that time she committed suicide. She died from a gunshot that she pointed on her head. (May she rest in peace!!!) It's so painful to think that you lost them and the reasons why they committed it is until now unresolved. When will these so-called adults learn?

So much for the adage "The truth will set you free," in the real world this things does not really happen. It's only a piece of the pie that you have to work on still for every detail of coming out and accepting who and what you are. We are still in hope that in every place could have what New York City have started, "The National Coming Out Day", that someday PLU could truly be happy with their chosen lives.


Anonymous said...

Such a creative mind! It is true that there are people who do not understand the inner feelings of an individual especially like you.
You have given justice to yourself!

yoruosu12 said...

Thanks for that wonderful comment.

I hope I can live up to that! And share whatever gift I have to the people, mostly youngsters who still don't know what they're in for.