


Blurred lines of sexuality

The flourishing internet e-businesses particularly pornsites and blogsites catering to just about everything you can think of have broken the lines of separation between Gay, Straight, Bi, Omni and A-sexual. Such are the labels that we have been wearing ever since the closet door hit the floor and we waved our rainbow pride flag and these were being created by the society to help recognize differences in people, but with the internet, these lines are already blurred and gone is the day that there is a "normal" approach to one's sexuality. Again these lines and boundaries are no longer necessary, there is no longer right or wrong when it comes to sex, as long as it is done with the consent of the people involved.

Being gay isn't really about who you sleep with, it is about our freedom to choose regardless of what other people think that is normal and mores. Our gay culture is just a normal reaction to the social integration that we struggled to create until now. Let us now celebrate our freedom of expression and recognition. Keep the internet free from any kind of censorship.

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