


Colors of my blog

It was said that colors of our likings define our personality, and so is a blog wherein the prominent colors found here in speaks of my personality or goals of this blog.

When I was creating my template I opted for the color BLACK to be the overall background to signify my protest against sexual discrimination particularly that which LGBT community experiences. And that I will not relinquish anything or give up our fight. Titles of section are lettered in VIOLET which is a color preferred mostly by us but for me it is simply my desire to be understood by many. Blog post titles are colored BLUE because I long for our unification and your sensitivity to the topics whichever I discuss particularly concerning our whole being. RED texts defines my passion for life, leadership in my chosen field, and the power to steer my very existence in this world.

And last but not the least is the color GRAY for most of the texts which embodies that eventhough how much ambitious as I am I should still remain humble. Keep my feet on the ground. These are the colors of my blog, what are yours?

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